
If you have a specific planning issue and require advice then we can help. We are often brought in to solve planning problems on existing projects which can include matters related to section 106 obligations, CIL liability or difficult and unreasonable planning conditions.

As well as developers, we assist architects and other professionals in solving their planning issues.


Our consultancy work includes:

  • Reviewing and correcting CIL liability
  • Renegotiating section 106 obligations
  • Discharging or assisting with planning conditions
  • Advice on proposed planning conditions
  • Letters of comfort on existing development
  • Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development (CAAD)
  • Enforcement advice
  • Reviewing pre-application advice
We also have expert consultants to assist all construction companies across the United Kingdom with their projects and assist on Project Management from Concept to Completion. Please ask for Zoe to discuss. Thank you